Friday, January 11, 2008

Pasta... Turkish style!

This afternoon I had lunch with some of my Turkish friends in Bursa. I thought it would be a very classic American dish of spaghetti but as I found out Turkish people eat their pasta with ketchup, mayonnaise and corn!! Quick update: I am leaving tonight for a long trip to Izmir and will not return until Tuesday. If anyone wants postcards leave your address! Also, I added another picture from TEGV below.


Unknown said...

i love getting postcards at the convent!! I have a wall in my cell for them. :)

FJC 415
25 C rue de Maubeuge
75009 PARIS

Katie said...

I'm not going to lie, Brittany... I'm not sure I would have the courage to eat that. But really, what is more "American" than ketchup, mayo, corn and pasta? It's the perfect melting pot!

P.S. I would love a postcard... from anywhere you choose to send me one from. My Boulder address is

9058 Smith Hall
Boulder CO 80910

Much love, Katie

Cynthia Esgar said...

Yes, we would love a postcard, Britt. By the way, you will have to make the American version of spaghetti for the family.....they will never go back to ketchup and corn.....(: (:
Love you...

Colton James Clements said...

Katie, i think you meant

9058 Smith Hall
Boulder CO 80310

80910 is in the springs

Mindy Mal said...

I think I could handle the corn and ketchup but not the mayo, but I put Ranch on my spaghetti so who know it could taste the same!! What is your address there?! incase I wanted to send something :) and if you would want to send me a postcard, which would make my day :D

2824 Dublin Blvd Apt 128
Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Mindy Malone